Friday, October 3, 2014

Redcar man 'egged on' friend in drink-fuelled car rampage that caused £5,000 worth of damage

A 20-year-old man who “egged on” a friend during a drink-fuelled car rampage has been given a community order.

Levis Rule was a passenger in a car which crashed into a wall and three other vehicles, whilst being driven through Skelton by Glen Robert Sweeney, 25.

Teesside Magistrates Court heard Sweeney, of Kettleness Avenue, Redcar, took the car belonging to his girlfriend without her consent on the evening of August 16.

Rule, who was said to be “extremely remorseful,” admitted allowing himself to be carried in the vehicle after drinking, “spoiling” his previous good character.

Both he and Sweeney were injured when the car crashed into three other cars and a wall, causing more than £5,000 worth of damage.

Judge Andrew Meachin said he had no doubt the pair had “egged each other on” saying: “Drinking is an evil thing, as you found out. You get involved in things like this.

“You went along with your mate and I have no doubt you were egging each other on. Look at the consequences.”

Rule, of Sandringham Road, Redcar, was given a community order for 12 months with 80 hours unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £105 costs.

Sweeney has admitted failing to provide a specimen for analysis, dangerous driving, aggrevated vehicle taking and driving without an appropriate licence. He will be sentenced on October 16.

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