Thursday, January 15, 2015

Morning news headlines: Obama and Cameron warning; Ebola tests, Miliband poverty vow

David Cameron and Barack Obama have warned securing economic prosperity is vital in the fight against terrorism, as the Prime Minister flew to Washington for talks with the US president.

Formal discussions on cyber security and counter terrorism in the White House tomorrow will be dominated by the shadow of the Paris atrocities that left 17 innocent victims dead.

Mr Cameron, who is on a two-day visit to the US capital, will push for action to ensure US-based social media companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, co-operate with intelligence agencies in the battle against terrorism

Plea for Guantanamo release

A group of senior doctors has called for a British resident held in Guantanamo Bay to be released, warning of his "fragile medical condition".

The medics said that Shaker Aamer was suffering from conditions including post-traumatic stress disorder and asthma and his continued detention was having an "appalling effect" on his health and that of his family.

Prime Minister David Cameron is expected to again raise Mr Aamer's case with President Barack Obama during his visit to Washington.

Miliband vows leadership on poverty and climate change

Ed Miliband will promise to provide global leadership on tackling poverty and climate change if he wins the general election.

The Labour leader will insist that a commitment to the green agenda and a desire to reduce inequality are "at the heart of my beliefs".

In a thinly-veiled swipe at David Cameron, Mr Miliband will say that his interest in the issues are not "part of a branding exercise" but were the reason he entered politics.

Sex case teacher sentence probed

The Attorney General is to investigate whether the sentencing of a former religious studies teacher who walked free from court after being convicted of repeatedly having sex with a student should be reviewed.

Stuart Kerner, 44, of Aylesford in Kent, was handed a suspended 18-month sentence by Judge Joanna Greenberg QC, sitting at Inner London Crown Court, who said it was clear his 16-year-old victim was "obsessed" with him.

Jurors had heard he took her virginity on a yoga mat on the floor of a Bexleyheath Academy storeroom, the same week his wife miscarried their second child.

Inactivity deadlier than obesity

Lack of exercise is twice as likely to lead to an early grave than obesity, research has shown.

A brisk 20-minute walk each day is all it takes to avoid dying prematurely, the findings suggest.

Scientists looked at the effects of obesity and exercise on 334,161 European men and women whose progress was followed for 12 years.

Charlie Hebdo copies heading for UK

British readers will be able to get hold of the first Charlie Hebdo magazine since the deadly shootings in Paris as copies head for the UK today.

Demand for the magazine's new issue, which carries a front-cover cartoon of a crying Prophet Mohammed, is anticipated to be high in the wake of last week's attack that saw gunmen kill 12 people at its offices.

It comes as the leader of al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Yemen, said his group was responsible for the murders - claiming the massacre was "vengeance for the prophet".

Families 'trapped by inequality'

Leading figures in the Church of England have called for an end to "income inequality" and questioned how Britain is being governed in a new book to be published before the general election.

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu, whose new book is called On Rock Or Sand?, said the UK faced a "deep, deep economic crisis" during the last four and-a-half years and said inequality trapped "hard-working" families on "poverty wages".

In a video to launch the collection of essays, which includes a contribution from the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, Dr Sentamu admitted the Church was making a political intervention but said it was not trying to be party political.

Concerns raised in NHS cancer fight

NHS reforms and squeezed budgets risk stalling recent advances in fighting cancer in England, a spending watchdog warned in a report highlighting the starkly lower survival chances of poorer and older patients.

The National Audit Office (NAO) said action was needed to reduce the almost 20,000 deaths a year that would be avoided if those from deprived areas fared as well as the better off, but said there were now "fewer dedicated resources" to improving services.

Its report also found "important gaps" in data were hampering the ability to choose the best treatments for patients and ensure they represented good value for taxpayers' money - in the same week a cost-cutting review ended funding for 25 drugs.

Hospital testing woman for Ebola

A hospital is treating a woman who is suspected of having Ebola.

A spokesman for Northampton General Hospital said: "A patient with a suspected case of Ebola was admitted to Northampton General Hospital this evening," adding it was a woman.

The hospital was unable to provide further details about the identity of the woman or how she may have contracted the illness but a Public Health England (PHE) spokesman confirmed the patient had a history of travel to west Africa, although it thought Ebola was "unlikely".

Redmayne Oscar nomination expected

Eddie Redmayne's journey from Old Etonian to Hollywood's newest star will continue this afternoon when the 33-year-old actor is predicted to pick up an Oscar nomination.

The star, a contemporary of the Duke of Cambridge at the historic English private school, has already taken the Golden Globe for his portrayal of pioneering scientist Stephen Hawking.

His performance in The Theory Of Everything has seen him nominated for a Bafta and a Screen Actors Guild Award and he is expected to complete the set with an Academy Award best actor nomination.

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