Sunday, February 22, 2015

Bill Whittle: Brass Tacks on Immigration

From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a job as US citizens or legal immigrants, the ongoing sham of the Obama administration’s under-the-radar policies get seen in the light of day in Bill Whittle’s latest FIREWALL. See the video and transcript below:


Hi everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.

As you may recall, a few months ago, President Barack Obama accomplished something with the stroke of his pen that had been deemed well beyond what he himself said was beyond his authority as chief: grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens through executive order.

So let’s get above the pit of criminality of both the act of illegally coming into ANYONE’S country – not just ours – and also above selfish venality of those who not only sanction such actions but in fact approve of and encourage them for their own political and financial gain. Let’s just get down to the brass tacks here on illegal immigration.

To do that, let’s look at two recent statements – one on the part of an active immigration official in the US government, and a second from the candidate for the highest law enforcement position in the land.

We’ll start with Kevin Landy, assistant director of the office of detention policy and planning for ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement branch of the Federal government, discussing treatment options for transgendered illegal aliens once in US detention facilities.


There are two important words buried in that bland bureaucratic response. One of them is especially important. Let’s listen again.

The first word is GUARANTEES, in other words, makes a binding promise. The second word is RIGHT. A right is something that cannot be taken away from you. Calling it a “right” means that someone has to provide it for you if you cannot provide it for yourself.

This official of the US government, Kevin Landy, has just stated that if you break US law by illegally entering the country then the citizens of the country whose laws you have violated are legally obligated to provide you with the hormone therapy necessary to your choice of lifestyle.

And now from the ridiculous to the sublime. Here is Loretta Lynch, President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder, being questioned by Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama:


The candidate for the highest law enforcement official in the land has just stated that people who are here illegally have an equal right to the same job as people who are either US Citizens or legal immigrants here on work visas.

So now to the brass tacks.

First, if there are no such things as illegal aliens, as the advocates for open borders proclaim – then where does it stop? If seven million people can sneak across the border at night and be granted the same status, and the same benefits as US Citizens – social security, medicare, and the right to vote – then where do we stop? Why only seven million? Why not all seven billion people currently on planet Earth?

If three hundred and twenty million Americans are having money taken from them at gunpoint through taxation in order to GUARANTEE the RIGHT of one transgendered illegal alien to hormone therapy once they cross the border, then there is no line – none. None! – between that and them having to pay through their hard work and taxes the health care of any one of the seven billion people on planet earth who can manage to cross a two thousand mile long line on a map.

Second, if the candidate for the chief law enforcement position in the land says that someone entering the country by breaking the law is not only not going to be arrested and deported, but rather has the same right to take a job from US citizen or a legal immigrant on a work visa and condemning them to unemployment and dependency on the government, then what does that tell you about the person who nominated her to that office? And what does it say about his contempt for the people that elected him in the first place? And ultimately, what does it say about those people themselves?

This man, who says there comes a point where people have made enough money, who says that the people who pay the taxes for hormone therapy for illegal transgendered criminals didn’t build the businesses that write the checks that maintain his loving and generous reputation, is, as you may know by now, an avid golfer. The man who condemns rich fat cats with private jets flies in the biggest private jet in the world to the finest resorts in the world, and he does it all the time. Because he likes it. Who wouldn’t?

Does anyone actually think this individual is capable of that kind of lifestyle without spending one person’s money to buy the vote of another’s? And does anyone still doubt that any of these incompetents and losers are willing to not only destroy the laws of the nation, but the nation itself, in order to sate the lust for the money and power they are incapable of obtaining through their own efforts?

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