Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stockton teenager Ben Conlin is a pioneer after specialist surgery on his jaw

A teenager with a rare genetic condition is believed to have become the first in the world to undergo ground breaking new surgery.

Ben Conlin, from Fairfield, Stockton, suffers from Mucopolysaccharisdosis (MPS) a rare genetic condition which can take a number of different forms. One of the side effects meant that Ben could only open his mouth about half as wide as average.

Now after pioneering surgery to remove bones from his jaw, Ben is looking forward to eating one of his grandma’s Yorkshire puddings in one go.

Ben, a pupil at Our Lady and St Bedes, Stockton, was born without a vital enzyme which breaks down unwanted sugars in the body. This can affect organs, eyesight and skeletal makeup.

Ben’s MPS - Type 1, Hurler Scheie syndrome - is now treatable, though not curable.

The disease means that Ben suffers from sleep aponea caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids which can lead to lots of serious side effects. To counter this, the 13-year-old was scheduled to have his tonsils removed last year.

Ben Conlin with the TheraBite device that him gain more movement in his jaw Ben Conlin with the TheraBite device that him gain more movement in his jaw

But the operation was put on hold when surgeon Professor Ian Bruce decided against performing the surgery because of Ben’s reduced mouth opening.

Ben’s dad, Peter Conlin, said: “Professor Bruce is a brilliant, brilliant surgeon. Any complications during surgery would have meant they wouldn’t have been able to get into Ben’s mouth to deal with the problem.

“So on Monday March 9 this year, Ben became one of the first, if not the first, person with MPS in the world to have his coronoid processes removed from his jaw in an operation at The Royal Manchester’s Children’s Hospital.

“The surgeons at Manchester are brilliant and Mr Kalantzis carried out the operation.

“During the operation, while Ben’s muscles were not restricted he measured an opening of 35mm for Ben’s mouth which is only 5mm less than the average.

“The surgery will make a huge difference to the treatment of people with MPS around the world, Ben’s coronoid processors will feature in medical journals around the world.”

Ben, who also lives with mum Tracey, and sister Sarah is now making a recovery and is exercising his mouth with the help of a TheraBite - a device that will help him achieve the biggest mouth opening possible.

Peter said: “With the TheraBite they are trying to stretch his face, he has to do it five times a day, Ben will squeeze it to stretch his jaw.

“He is a real warrior, a real soldier.

“His real aim in life now is to eat one of Grandma Em’s Yorkshire puddings in his mouth in one go.”

Ben had surgery in December 2014 to remove bone from his spine as he was suffering from spinal compression.

He recently passed his grade 1 cricket umpiring exam and hopes to be a cricket umpire one day.

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