Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cases of potentially life-threatening superbug at James Cook continue to cause 'considerable concern'

The number of patients contracting a potentially life-threatening superbug at a Teesside hospital is continuing to cause “considerable concern”, a senior medic has warned.

South Tees NHS Trust, which runs James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough, has breached its annual target for cases of clostridium difficile (C.Diff).

In February, there were 11 reported cases of the bacterial infection, bringing the trust total to 67 cases - 18 above the end of year target.

The limit was set by health watchdog Monitor, which raised concerns over the level of hospital infections at the trust in 2013, when it put the organisation under investigation.

A report by director of nursing Ruth Holt reads: “The current position in respect of Clostridium difficile continues to cause considerable concern causing patient safety and reputational risk.”

It adds: “There have been 16 cases of C.difficile infection in February 2015, 11 of which are classed as trust apportioned.

“The annual target is to have no more than 49 trust-apportioned cases. At the end of February 2015 we had exceeded the annual target by 18 cases.”

It the second year the trust has missed its target, after recording 57 cases a year earlier - well above its target of 37.

The latest incidences are despite a number of further measures being put in place, including additional cleaning, a focus on hand hygiene and care around the prescribing of antibiotics.

C.Diff can cause diarrhoea, a high temperature and painful abdominal cramps but in serious cases can cause life-threatening complications such as severe swelling of the bowel.

Speaking previously, Ms Holt said: “It is disappointing. The first thing to say is C. Diff is an organism that lives in the gut of about 3% of the population. It’s not uncommon. You or I could be walking around with it and not know it. It’s when you become unwell and your body is under stress that it becomes a problem.

“We can assure the public that we are taking action to reduce it and doing that as quickly as possible.

“I’d absolutely ideally like to reduce it to zero, but with people walking around with it, that’s realistically not going to happen, but we are doing everything possible to keep instances as close to zero as we can.

“Some antibiotics can cause it to grow and flourish, so work has been done around ensuring the right antibiotics are given.

“We would say to the public that they can help by making sure that they wash hands when they’re coming into our clinical areas, and if they have had diarrhoea in the previous 48 hours, not to visit.”

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