Saturday, February 8, 2014

Boro may consider terraces area to allow fans to stand at Riverside

Boro could consider the possibility of introducing a terraced area to allow fans to stand to watch games at The Riverside – with fans’ groups supporting the idea.

The club has been opposed to the idea in the past, but is likely to look at the implications of a move by the Football League to ask the government to allow “safe standing areas” at Championship grounds.

The Government has agreed to discuss the matter, with a spokesman for the department of culture, media and sport confirming it will talk to the league’s representatives.

A Boro spokesman told the Gazette: “The safety and security of spectators has been and will continue to be a priority for the club.

“The re-introduction of standing accommodation in the Riverside will only be considered if MFC are satisfied that it can be achieved without any deterioration in the standards of safety and security within the stadium, is viewed positively by the majority of fans and can be done cost effectively.

“However, safety and security of spectators are not the only considerations that need to be taken into account.

“Modifications to the stadium structure and new/additional barriers to meet revised standards will require significant expenditure.

“Until the exact design specifications are known, this cost cannot be defined and an assessment made about the overall financial case for the change.

“In addition, the club’s ambitions are to gain promotion and aspire to return to European competition.

“In order to avoid compliance issues with the Premier League, the English FA and UEFA, a harmonised approach to stadia regulations is essential.

“There remain significant barriers to achieving a common understanding across all of the relevant football authorities and therefore the club will struggle to introduce safe standing terraces that will be acceptable in all competitions.

“MFC will continue to contribute to the debate and engage with all relevant parties in order to establish a safe and secure solution that benefits the game of football and that is legally, socially and financially acceptable.”

Fans have backed the idea. John Donovan, of Boro supporters group The Twe12th Man, said: “Standing can make for a good atmosphere, because friends can get together on terraces even if they don’t buy their tickets at the same time.

“If you are your mates are spread out in seats, the atmosphere can be diluted.

“I’m not sure how it would work at the Riverside. There may be a lot of expense involved. My priority at Boro would not be to change the ground to suit a small section of the fans, but to spend on players to get us into the Premier League.

“But an answer would be to relax the rules to allow fans to stand in some seated areas. I don’t see the problem with that, apart from the occasional grazed shin on the seat in front.”

Red Faction member Stephen Fletcher has first-hand experience of safe standing having lived and gone to games in Germany. He would love to see it introduced at the Riverside Stadium – provided it was financially viable.

He said: “I know the issue of standing is still a very emotive subject with Hillsborough and Boro were the only Championship club to oppose it, but I’m a massive fan of safe standing,” he said.

“We are talking about a new, modern form of standing in modern stadiums, not at crumbling old grounds.

“I used to live in Northern Germany and went to games at places like Hannover, St Pauli and Bremen, so I experienced it first hand when I was over there.

“There is a rail in front and behind, so there is no chance of crushed, and you get an allocated seat so you can choose to stand if you want.

Fletcher is also one of several Boro fans who have experienced standing in the Borussia Dortmund’s infamous Yellow Wall.

He added: “There are a few Boro lads who go to Dortmund games and I was lucky enough to be part of a rocking Yellow Wall at the Dortmund-Schalke derby. A group of Dortmund fans came over here and got to see the Bolton game.”

Rob Nichols, editor of Boro fanzone Fly Me To The Moon, is pleased to see the subject of safe standing back on the political agenda and thinks it is about time it was introduced across the board in English football.

“I would love to see safe standing introduced, definitely – and it’s about time it was addressed again,” he said.

“A lot of people who only go to home games might not realise it, but 60 to 70 per cent of fans who go away stand up throughout the game.

“All due respect to Hillsborough and it is still in the news, but we are not talking about a return to 1989. Football stadiums have moved on a hell of a lot since then.”

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