Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jordanians hold demonstration against US

People have staged a protest in Jordan against the United States ahead of an upcoming visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry.

On Friday, thousands of protesters took to the streets of the Jordanian capital Amman as they chanted anti-US slogans.

The demonstrators, who came from Arab nationalist groups and Jordanian tribes, expressed anger at the so-called peace talks between the Israeli regime and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The protesters chanted “Our people will never surrender,” and “We will liberate you Palestine.”

They also called on Palestinian groups to reject the talks, which are backed by Washington.

Palestinians are seeking to create an independent state on the territories of the occupied West Bank, East al-Quds, and the besieged Gaza Strip and are demanding that Israel withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories.

Last Palestinian-Israeli talks had broken down in September 2010 after Tel Aviv refused to freeze its settlement activities in the occupied West Bank.

The presence and continued expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine has created a major obstacle for the efforts to establish peace in the Middle East.

More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds in 1967.

The United Nations and most countries regard the Israeli settlements as illegal because the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbid construction on occupied lands.


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