Monday, June 9, 2014

Boro icon Juninho to write summer column for the Evening Gazette

Brazilian club legend will be giving his thoughts on the World Cup and other subjects :: Former Boro star is also to be a TV pundit

The transfer market may be quiet at the moment - but the Gazette have pulled off a major summer signing.

Boro legend Juninho will be writing a summer column for the paper and the action kicks-off on Thursday.

As he’ll reveal in his exclusive column, it’s proving to be a memorable year for the Little Fella.

His club, Ituano, managed by Doriva, won the Sao Paulo state Championship, beating giants Santos over two legs in the final.

To put the achievement in perspective, that’s like Blackpool beating Manchester United and Liverpool on their way to becoming champions of North-west England.

And, five years after taking over at Ituano, the club has the honour of hosting the Russia World Cup squad at their stadium and training complex.

Juninho will be touching those topics as well as whole range of other subjects with Boro, not surprisingly, featuring heavily over the coming weeks.

Of course, Thursday’s first instalment coincides with the start of the World Cup.

And 2002 winner Juninho - who will also be working as a pundit for the BBC matchday coverage - has plenty to say on the tournament and who he rates as potential champions.

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