Thursday, October 23, 2014

Teesside GCSE results are among worst in country, figures show

Less than half of pupils in parts of Teesside achieved good GCSE results this year.

In Middlesbrough, 46.5% of pupils achieved at least five GCSEs, or equivalents, at A* to C including English and Maths.

Over in Redcar and Cleveland it was 49.4% - putting the areas among the worst performing in England.

In Stockton borough the figure was slightly better at 54.5%.

However, local authorities saw the proportion of pupils achieving the standard drop from last year.

Changes in the way in which GCSE performance is measured in 2013/14 led to fewer pupils being counted as making the grade - as well as making it more difficult to compare results to previous years.

Just half of pupils in Middlesbrough (50.6%) made the expected progress between the end of primary school and GCSE level.

The proportion of pupils getting 5 A* and C grades including English and Maths in England has dropped from 59.2% in 2012/13 to 52.6% in the last financial year.

Changes bought in by the coalition government in to toughen up qualifications, likely to be in part responsible for the drop.

In the past, school performance measures have been calculated using the best result that a pupil achieved in a subject, regardless of the number of times they may have been entered for it.

In September 2013, to address the significant increase in early entries, the Department for Education announced that only the first result a pupil achieved would count in performance measures from 2013/14.

This new rule came into effect immediately with regard to English Baccalaureate subjects and will be expanded to apply to all subjects in 2014/15.

This new rule only affects a school’s performance measure calculations; pupils will still be accredited with every grade achieved, regardless of the number of entries.

The other change came from Professor Alison Wolf’s Review of Vocational Education, which led to around 3,000 qualifications being removed from counting towards performance measures.

It also limited the number of points non-GCSE qualifications could be worth and restricted the number of non-GCSE qualifications counted in performance measures to two per pupil.

A calculation of performance based on ignoring these changes shows that the proportion of children across England getting 5 A* to C GCSEs including English and Maths dropped from 59.2% in 2012/13 to 56% in 2013/14.

But this does not take into accounts changes in school’s behaviour that might see them entering fewer pupils for early exams.

The figures suggest results dropped by around 1.7 percentage points due to the Wolf Review changes and 1.7 percentage points due to the early entry rule changes.

Other changes that might have had an impact are a shift from module GCSEs, where pupils can take exams on different sections throughout the course, to linear courses, where all exams are at the end, and the removal of the speaking and listening component in GCSE English and GCSE English Language.

A further issue is independent school pupils taking unregulated IGCSEs that do not count towards the performance measure.

In 2010 new regulated IGCSE were introduced, which could also be taken by state school pupils, and there was a two-year grace period where the results of unregulated IGCSEs could be counted in performance measures.

The ending of the grace period this year, which means previously started unregulated IGCSEs were not counted, and independent schools have continued to use the unregulated qualifications.

Across England, 70.9% of state school pupils made the expected progress in English between the end of primary school and GCSEs, up from 70.4% in 2012/13, and 65.3% of pupils made the expected progress in Maths, down from 70.7%.

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