Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Britain joins international outcry over CIA torture report

British Prime Minister David Cameron

British Prime Minister David Cameron has expressed dismay over a US Senate report describing CIA torture methods of al-Qaeda suspects.

“Let us be clear: Torture is wrong. Torture is always wrong,” AFP quoted Cameron as saying at a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, on Tuesday.

The landmark Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation techniques, released earlier in the day, falls into four main categories consisting of ineffective use of torture, misleading the US government about how the methods were conducted, flawed management, and extensive use of torture far more brutal than the Central Intelligence Agency had allowed anyone to know.

Referring to the report, Cameron said the use of torture and other human rights violations is counter-productive.

“Those of us who want to see a safer, more secure world want to see extremism defeated. We won’t succeed if we lose our moral authority,” Cameron said.

Following the release of the report, critics in the UK demanded the British government come clean about how it helped the CIA by delivering suspects to interrogation and torture sites.

British media say that top UK government officials — during the administration of then Prime Minister Tony Blair — were informed about cooperation between the US and the British intelligence in torture and rendition.

Cameron met with Turkish officials in Ankara to discuss increased security cooperation in the battle with ISIL Takfiri militants.


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