Thursday, March 19, 2015

Jobless and homeless in Teesside: The human face of the surge in benefit sanctions

A chef who lost his job has told how losing his benefits led him to become homeless.

Philip Lynch is one of an increasing number of Teessiders to have been hit by benefit sanctions in recent years.

The 26-year-old became unemployed at the beginning of the year and was told as a result he would be sanctioned.

Losing this money - nearly £300 a month - meant he was unable to pay the rent on his town centre flat and now finds himself living with friends.

Philip said: “I left my job after a dispute and because it was deemed that I had left of my own free will and it was my fault, I was sanctioned for a month.

“I signed on in February and was put on a computer skills course and told to come back two weeks later.

“I didn’t realise my appointment was actually a week later so when I missed it, I was sanctioned for another month.

“I was unable to make my rent so lost my flat and now I have to move from friends to friends, as I am effectively homeless.

“If I had not been sanctioned, everything would be good but when I tried to explain why I had missed my appointment, they just kept saying it was my own fault.”

Unite Community union organises a protest at the JobCentre in Middlesbrough over benefit cuts and sanctions VIEW GALLERY

Philip today joined protesters outside Middlesbrough job centre calling for action over benefit sanctions.

More than 23,000 sanctions were handed out on Teesside in the two years to last September after a surge caused by Government welfare crackdown.

A sanction - usually a financial penalty where benefits are reduced or withheld - can be applied for a number of reasons, most commonly when the recipient is deemed not to be looking hard enough for work.

Brandishing placards and banners, Unite unions members, local politicians and members of the public were among those demonstrating outside the Corporation Road office.

Under the Coalition government, the number of people having their unemployment benefits docked in the region has more than doubled.

Statistics from the Department for Work and Pensions show that between October 2012 and September 2014, there were 9,614 sanctions imposed against people claiming jobseeker’s allowance in Middlesbrough, up from 4,759 between 2008 and 2010, before welfare reforms were imposed.

Unite Community union organises a protest at the JobCentre in Middlesbrough over benefit cuts and sanctions Unite Community union organises a protest at the JobCentre in Middlesbrough over benefit cuts and sanctions

A total of 6,169 sanctions were imposed in Redcar and Cleveland in the two years to September 2014 after also almost doubling. In Stockton, the total was 7,834.

Louise Baldock, who is standing for Labour in Stockton South in May’s General Election, said: “I am here today because since the coalition government came into power, they have developed, used and abused a sanction system to punish people without jobs, instead of supporting them.

“Jobcentres, which we traditionally thought of as places where people come for job opportunities, have now become like police stations, where people are fined and punished.

“I talk to people everyday who have been sanctioned and who tell me of the devastating impact it has on them.

Unite Community union organises a protest at the JobCentre in Middlesbrough over benefit cuts and sanctions Unite Community union organises a protest at the JobCentre in Middlesbrough over benefit cuts and sanctions

Robbie Faulds, from Unite Commuity union added: “Today we are not targeting the staff involved at Jobcentres because we realise that the whole system is set up to sanction people and they are under pressure to hit targets so that they don’t lose their jobs.

“There’s one million people a year being sanctioned and we believe that half of the clients at this Middlesbrough Jobcentre have been sanctioned at some point.

“Unemployed people are portrayed as scroungers and work shy, but in fact what is happening is that people are being sanctioned for being five minutes late.

“Their money gets stopped and this can be for a period of anywhere between six weeks and six months, but for some people it can be years.”

A DWP spokesman said: “Every day Jobcentre Plus advisers work hard to help claimants into work.

“Unemployment is falling and a record number of people are in work.

“Sanctions are only used as a last resort for the tiny minority who fail to take up the support which is on offer.

“There are no targets for sanctions, in fact the number of sanctions has gone down over the past year.”

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