Friday, March 20, 2015

Sponsored: SABIC supports government's apprenticeship reform

In 2012, the UK Government carried out a review of the apprenticeship system, with a view to identifying recommendations for developments and improvements, to be implemented in the 2017 reform of the system.

The reform places employers and industry partnerships in the driving seat, enabling them to take control of the design, content, and assessment of the apprenticeships they offer.

It also allows employers to set the standard required of an apprentice on completion of their training, and for the first time apprentices can be graded on their performance during the apprenticeship, which gives recognition to those who have made extra effort throughout their training.

Finally, it will also allow employers to determine how their apprenticeship programmes are funded.

The reform programme was launched in 2013 by the Prime Minister, under the banner of “Trailblazers”.

SABIC Teesside employee Craig Hargreaves was invited to chair and lead the project for the Life Science and Industrial Science Trailblazer Group.

This involved setting up the Trailblazer team, as well as designing new standards within a set of guidelines provided by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

“As a former apprentice with ICI and having developed apprenticeship programmes in the mining sector, I was delighted to be asked to lead this project for our industry,” Craig commented.

To date the Life Science and Industrial Science Trailblazer Group has produced standards, training programmes, and assessment methods for four apprenticeships.

These are Manufacturing Technician, Laboratory Technician, Maintenance Technician and Laboratory Scientist. Regarding their development, Craig stated, “As this is a Trailblazer, we had some flexibility in our approach, but the goal posts were also constantly changing as we, and BIS learned from what we were doing.”

He also highlighted the fact that the Trailblazer team is continuing to reassess standards in order to provide the best results.

SABIC, a major chemical industry company, firmly believes in the importance of developing the next generation of employees.

This is not simply a moral obligation to train young people; apprentices provide significant benefit to the company.

Bringing in young people provides the opportunity to fill skills gaps in the workforce, and offers a wider talent pool to meet the specific needs of both the company and the industry.

Apprentices also bring with them new ideas and a fresh attitude, which allows the company to thrive.

Alongside this, training apprentices means that the company can develop a workforce for the future, increase the understanding of their processes, and improve safety in the workplace.

The apprenticeship programme therefore offers enormous benefits to companies such as SABIC, and SABIC reflects this by taking a leading role through Craig Hargreaves, in creating a framework that will improve the apprenticeship system to the benefit of the whole science industry.

The SABIC site in Teesside is heavily committed to employing and training sixteen to eighteen-year-olds under the apprenticeship system, and is proud to be playing a role in the Trailblazer programme.

They began implementing the new standards in the apprentice intake six months ago, and intend to expand on this in the future. Craig Hargreaves comments, “Trailblazing is one thing but actually implementing new apprenticeships is another.

As a consequence the industry and SABIC have taken a leap of faith and commenced apprentices on the new programmes.

We are monitoring progress and are very pleased so far. It is our intention to take more apprentices in September this year and we will use the standard as the way forward.”

He concludes; “Implementing change on this scale is always a challenge, and the Trailblazer programme is no exception.

The team have worked hard to hit targets set by BIS and I am pleased to say we have achieved this to date.

The work isn’t over yet and I would like to thank those individuals involved in the Trailblazer group from across our industry in the UK and locally for their hard work and dedication; without them this wouldn’t have happened.”

Apprentices who have had the opportunity to work at the SABIC site, confirm the benefits of the UK-wide apprenticeship programme. Joseph, apprentice at SABIC Teesside, places great importance on SABIC’s role as an employer and trainer of apprentices:

“SABIC have a great belief that people should develop their skills and knowledge. Therefore, they are a large driving force for self-improvement via recognised courses and higher education. Which, being an apprentice, is excellent as it provides you with all the tools to construct a career. Pushing whatever boundaries you may have thought you had, giving you higher aspirations.”

He further emphasises the benefits of the apprenticeship, highlighting the diversity which he experienced, as well as the ability to learn about the different types of instrumentation available, and the opportunity to learn such a wide variety of skills.

Emma, a second apprentice at SABIC, added, “You get a real feeling of accomplishment being an apprentice at SABIC."

"You get the help you need, and learn valuable skills. It’s bigger than just an apprenticeship; you’re part of a family at SABIC. You feel connected, even to people on the other side of the world. It really is a great way to develop yourself.”

SABIC will continue to invest in the apprenticeship programme as an important method for the company to expand and develop its workforce in the UK.

Furthermore, through the input of Craig Hargreaves, they hope to facilitate improvements in the system, which will benefit both future apprentices, and the company. In this way, they hope to invest in the future of the country, and of the company.

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