Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Disgraced soldier caught pawning 'red hot goods' minutes after they were stolen

A handler of “red hot” goods pawned stolen turntables minutes after they were taken from a Middlesbrough home.

Disgraced soldier Benjamin John Dunn, 29, was ordered to work for the community by a judge who heard his sad story of heroin addiction and wasted potential.

He was at a pawn shop selling two turntables for £300 at 12.50pm on March 4, Teesside Crown Court heard today.

Just 20 minutes earlier, they were among £1,600 worth of mixing equipment stolen from a home on Longford Street, Ayresome, Middlesbrough.

He went back to pawn more equipment at 4pm - by which time the owner of the valuable belongings, and the police, were on the case.

Dunn made “a slight attempt to bolt” but was arrested at the shop, said prosecutor David Crook.

He told officers someone he knew called on him at home and asked him to pawn the items.

He had his suspicions but went ahead, passing on all the proceeds. He denied receiving any cash.

Mr Crook added: “He certainly received those items whilst they were red hot.

“He has an appalling record.”

Dunn, of Wicklow Street, Ayresome - which runs next to the road where the burglary happened - admitted handling stolen goods and fraud.

He denied the burglary and was cleared of this charge.

He was on licence at the time from a one-year burglary sentence and had previous convictions for handling, fraud and theft.

Paul Newcombe, defending, said Dunn accepted a judge would take a very dim view of his fencing, and “no doubt raise an eyebrow or two” at how close he was to the burglars.

He said: “He does present as something of a sad individual. He had so much promise and has fallen so far.”

He told how Dunn got 10 GCSEs and followed his father into the Army, the 4th Regiment Royal Artillery, in 2003 while his friends fell into bad habits and drugs.

Two years later when he tested positive for cocaine after a short break on leave, the Army showed “zero tolerance” and discharged him.

He returned to Middlesbrough and met up with friends who introduced him to heroin.

His addiction led him to “take whatever he could get his hands on”, building up a record of petty dishonesty and shoplifting.

Dunn was released from prison on a methadone programme and furnished accommodation provided by the Royal British Legion.

But he went back to heroin out of “sheer boredom” after he was laid off from a scaffolding job.

The judge, Recorder Bryan Cox QC, said he would be justified in jailing Dunn for a long time, and was sceptical about his handling.

He told the defendant: “It seems to me that your offending is a product of your drug abuse.

“You’ve now served a modest period in custody. It seems to me I can give you one last chance to try and resolve your personal difficulties.

“I hope you take it. If not, the reality is you’re going to end up spending a long time in prison.”

He passed an 18-month prison sentence suspended for two years with 180 hours’ unpaid work and drug treatment and rehabilitation.

The judge added: “It’s really over to you. Only you can sort yourself out at the end of the day.”

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