Thursday, February 5, 2015

Redcar level crossing may be replaced within a year due to inability to cope with strong winds

Hopes are high that Network Rail is on track to replace a Redcar level crossing sooner than expected.

Residents and businesses have increasingly complained at the West Dyke Road crossing’s inability to cope with strong winds.

Each time the winds blow - and sometimes even if they are only forecast to - the crossing is closed, meaning a major route through the town is blocked.

Last year, thousands of people signed a petition drawn up by Liberal Democrat borough councillor Josh Mason and the town’s Lib Dem MP, Ian Swales, calling on Network Rail and the council to address a problem which has seen the gates closed for an extended period at least 14 times in the past year.

And now, after a meeting with Network Rail at which the petition was shown, Cllr Mason says he has been told the crossing may be replaced within a year, with the company seeking approval for a “new, innovative solution”.

Councillor Josh Mason, who claims the town loses a lot of business trade when the crossing is closed for days at a time Councillor Josh Mason, who claims the town loses a lot of business trade when the crossing is closed for days at a time

Previously, Network Rail said it might be 2018 before the crossing gates could be renewed.

Meanwhile, other measures are under way to reduce the scale and frequency of closure, including better weather monitoring and an “assisted pusher” to help Network Rail staff open and close the heavy gates in poor conditions.

Cllr Mason, the Lib Dems’ election candidate for Redcar, said: “It’s great news that Network Rail have made real headway in making improvements to the crossing and offering a real long-term solution.

“Whilst the ruling Labour group continue to fight amongst themselves, I’m continuing to do what I can to support residents and local business. The council should have tackled this issue long before now, it’ll make a huge difference to the town.”

Mr Swales said: “Josh Mason was right to launch this campaign - closure of the gates causes too much disruption to the town to be closed so regularly.”

Network Rail area manager Mark Tarry said: “I was happy to apologise in person for the disruption which this level crossing causes to the community in Redcar. We were able to discuss why it is necessary to close the crossing in high winds and to give my personal assurance that this is only ever done in order to protect the safety of road and rail users.

“During our discussion, my team and I were able to explain the many methods and new technologies which Network Rail has tried over the years to improve the performance of this crossing. We are currently developing another design for the gates which we hope will reduce the need to close the crossing. This development is being completed as quickly as possible.”

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