Monday, April 13, 2015

General Election 2015: Thornaby councillor Steve Walmsley bidding to be MP for the Party of Dissent

A leading Stockton Councillor has thrown his hat into the ring at the last minute to contest the Stockton South seat at the General Election.

Steve Walmsley, leader of the Thornaby Independent Association (TIA), is running as candidate for the Party of Dissent.

Cllr Walmsley describes the newly registered party as “a party of independents against social injustice and savage austerity cuts”.

The former Labour councillor split from the party back in 2003 “because of disillusion with politics without conscience and having to tow the party line no matter what”, and set up the TIA with friends.

He said he didn’t take the decision to stand in the May election “lightly”.

“What really swayed me was the fact that mainstream parties, Conservative, Labour and Liberal, say much and offer little apart from a continuation of austerity which has brought misery to so many of the most vulnerable,” he said.

“And so this election should be about people making a choice about what kind of society they want to live in.

“If they want an uncaring, dog eat dog society where the poor, helpless and outsiders are stigmatised and blamed for economic meltdown whilst the greedy culprits continue to live in the lap of luxury, then they should vote for more of the same with any of the aforementioned parties.”

Cllr Walmsley believes Parliament should be “nationalised in the sense that those the public elect should work exclusively for the general public”.

He also believes that councils should be “localised, released from the stranglehold of political parties and handed back to the people who pay the bills and who ultimately bear the brunt of political folly and indifference”.

Immigration should also be “seriously and sensibly” tackled, he said.

Cllr Walmsley and the TIA recently organised a postal referendum in Thornaby which saw more than 72% who responded agree “that Thornaby should be independent from Stockton”.

The postal referendum was organised and paid for by Thornaby Town Council following growing disillusionment in the town with Stockton Council.

Other candidates for Stockton South are: Louise Baldock (Labour), Drew Dunning (Lib Dem), Jacqui Lovell (Green Party), Edward Strike (Ukip) and James Wharton (Conservative).

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