Monday, March 30, 2015

What Teesside demands from Westminster: Manifesto survey results reveal YOUR priorities

With the election cavalry charge up and running Gazette readers have put forward their own political manifesto.

And instead of candidates doorstepping voters with their party’s agenda we can today tell the candidates the issues YOU want to discuss.

Hundreds of people responded to the Gazette survey to compile a manifesto for Teesside - telling us what you want from your politicians and how you want life in this country to change.

The survey - backed at the highest levels of British politics by the likes of Mayor of London Boris Johnson and Labour leader Ed Miliband - includes 30 national and local questions on subjects including the NHS, education, immigration and crime.

Topping the list of readers’ demands was support to bring big business to Teesside.

Other top six priorities were:

* greater investment in major routes like the A66 and A19

* fair treatment over council cuts, with the feeling that Teesside has suffered more than elsewhere

* bringing empty homes back into use

* Keep the private sector out of the NHS

* Cut the benefits bill by helping people off welfare into work that pays

The survey also threw up surprises, with a majority generally supporting fracking as a good way of ensuring energy security - but with the caveat that more information was needed on whether it is safe.

On other issues 42% of respondents said “renew Tridant”, and 39.2% agreed the Government should have extra powers to counter terrorism - including over private data.

On the bedroom tax 43% said it was “unfair and wrong” and should be repealed and 35.4% said austerity was working but should be slowed down, against 29.7% who said it was not working “because it has been done unfairly”.

Asked what the next Government’s top priority should be 35% said immigration, 28.7% the NHS, 28.5% the economy and 7.9% education.

Andy McDonald Andy McDonald

Middlesbrough’s Labour Party candidate Andy McDonald was “absolutely delighted” with the results saying: “These six priorities exactly chime with everything I have been working for and I am delighted to be at one with the Gazette readership.

“I look forward to a Labour Government progressing this agenda.

“I particularly note their concerns about our NHS and the savagery of cuts to our essential public services. Labour’s plans to invest in business and infrastructure are credible and will be vital to our future fortunes as a town and sub-region.”

James Wharton, Conservative candidate for Stockton South, defended the Coalition Government’s record in light of the priorities raised in the Teesside Manifesto.

He said: “Steel making is back, train making is coming, unemployment is down and my local council in Stockton is running a £7m surplus this year.

“We are on the road to recovery and securing our economy, and a strong economy is needed to underpin all of these aims. Whether it is saving North Tees hospital from plans to close it or securing more road investment a lot of good things have been done, but there is more to do.”

Cllr Josh Mason Cllr Josh Mason

Josh Mason, Liberal Democrat candidate for Redcar, said of the top demand on the Manifesto: “Our area has been a hub of business and industry before and it can be again. The past five years has seen five times more Government investment in business and industry on Teesside than in the previous five years, over £500m through the Local Enterprise Partnership, Teesvalley Unlimited.

“This has helped to reduce unemployment by a third already and started to get Teesside manufacturing again – vastly increasing exports through Teesport. There’s still a lot to do but the shoots of recovery are starting to show.”

On council cuts he added: “It’s more important than ever that local MPs are elected who understand the area’s needs and can appeal for a fair deal from national Government. Local authorities have been very wasteful in the recent past and it has been encouraging to see efficiencies made.”

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