Thursday, April 16, 2015

NECC: 'Growth opportunities could be missed if gender imbalance isn't tackled'

North-east East business leaders are urging the future government to back women in business, if the region is to meet its economic potential.

The North East Chamber of Commerce (NECC) has launched its general election programme for women in business through its Women’s Advisory Board.

It includes calls for action to encourage greater levels of female entrepreneurship, maximise employment and career opportunities for women - and bridge the gender gap in skills.

Nickie Gott, Chair of NECC’s Women’s Advisory Board, said: “Our general election programme for women in business is a fundamental element to growing the success of our region.

“The North-east’s economy does not perform below potential because of the poor performance of its businesses, but because it does not have enough businesses. Female entrepreneurs have been making a huge contribution to addressing this deficit and we need to build on this.

“Women have different skills and with tailored business support, targeted advice programmes and focused efforts to reduce youth unemployment among females, more women can get a foot on the career ladder and help drive North-east business forward.”

NECC Director of Policy, Ross Smith said: “Growth opportunities could be missed if the gender imbalance is not tackled.

“We want to see focused efforts to increase girls’ interests in digital and STEM subject areas through schools, colleges and universities to increase interest in joining these sectors.

“We have launched our programme for women in business because we want businesses in the North East to be globally competitive, and it has been shown that businesses making the most of female talent perform better.”

Jo Hand, Managing Director, Jo Hand Recruitment is also supporting the programme. “In order to set a good example to future generations we need to promote greater numbers of female leaders in entrepreneurship, the private sector, politics, government and the public sector,” she said.

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