Thursday, April 16, 2015

York Potash project: Redcar and Cleveland Council say underground transport system should go ahead

Plans for a potash mine and Teesside processing plant with the potential to create thousands of jobs could take a major step forward next week.

Redcar and Cleveland Council officers say the mine and mineral transport system (MTS) for the York Potash project, which includes a large mine south of Whitby and a 45km underground pipeline leading to Wilton, should get the go-ahead.

The project, which could create more than 3,000 direct and indirect jobs, also needs approval from North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA).

An initial decision on the application will be made by Redcar and Cleveland Council’s councillors next week.

The report by council officials said that while “some limited policy conflict does arise”, they concluded the adverse impacts did not outweigh the benefits.

It said: “A balance needs to be struck between benefits of a project and the environmental effects of the proposal, but it is evident that the economic benefits contribute significantly.

“The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to the positive advises that great weight should be given to these benefits.

“The project represents a major investment that will significantly positively contribute towards the challenge of global food security and create over 1,000 direct jobs, with many more generated in the wider economy.

“The proposals would make a significant annual contribution to the UK’s Gross Domestic Product of over £1bn.”

The report said more than 419 responses have been received, but just eight raised objections.

Among those opposing the plan is rival Cleveland Potash, which operates a mine in nearby Boulby.

The firm raises fears that the new project could lead to its staff moving to York Potash, which could leave it “seriously under-staffed” and create a “genuine risk and threat to the business.”

It also has concerns that the project would limit its own expansion plans.

York Potash, owned by Sirius Minerals, announced plans for the scheme in January 2011, after discovering what is thought to be the world’s largest polyhalite seam below the North York Moors National Park.

Polyhalite is a natural mineral which is added to fertilizer.

The company withdrew its original 2013 planning application to the NYMNPA, before changing its plan from a slurry pipeline to an underground conveyor system as the method for transporting the mineral to Teesside.

It resubmitted its planning application last autumn.

In January, York Potash insisted plans were still on track after withdrawing its application for a critical part of the scheme - the Bran Sands-based “harbour” facilities that would fast-track the transportation of polyhalite to UK destinations and overseas. The application was resubmitted on March 27.

Redcar and Cleveland Council’s regulatory committee will consider the application next Thursday..

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